Python Basic Syntax Elements
December 20, 2024 · 3 min read · Page View:
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Sometimes you may forget about the basic of Python, so let us take a look at the summary of Python basic summary. The content of this review is as follows: data type
, variable
, control flow
, input & output
, PEP8 format
CH1 Basic Syntax Elements #
1 Data Type #
Basic Type: Number, String, Boolean #
Number Type
- int
- float
- complex (a+bj)
String Type
- str: use
" "
or' '
Boolean Type
- bool
y = 2 < 1
# False
Composite Type: List, Tuple, Dictionary, Set #
List Type, ordered
a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# 5
Tuple Type, ordered, elements are not modifiable
b = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
# 1
Dictionary Type, key-value mapping, unordered
student = {201901: "john", 201902: "howe", 201903: "timerring"}
# 'howe'
Set Type, a collection of unique elements, unordered
s = {"john", "howe", "timerring", "john"}
# {'john', 'howe', 'timerring'}
2 Variable #
Variable Naming #
What can be used as variable names?
- uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, and Chinese characters.
- strictly case-sensitive
What is not allowed?
- the first character cannot be a number
- there cannot be spaces in the middle of the variable name
- cannot be the same as the 33 Python reserved words
Variable Name Definition Techniques
- underscore (variable and function name) variable name consists of multiple words: use _ to connect multiple words
age_of_students = [17, 18, 19]
- Camel Case (class name) variable name consists of multiple words: capitalize the first letter of each word
- Constant (e.g. $\pi$, e) variable name all letters are uppercase
Variable Assignment #
x, y = 1, 2 # separated by ","
print(x, y)
x, y = y, x
print(x, y)
3 Control Flow #
Loop (for) #
res = 0
for i in [1,2,3,4,5]:
res += i
# 15
Loop (while) #
i = 1
res = 0
while i <= 5:
res += i
i += 1
# 15
Branch (if) #
if condition:
execute statement
execute statement
4 Input & Output #
Data Input #
External File Import
- from local disk, network, etc. See File, Exception, and Module.
Dynamic Interactive Input
x = input("please input: ")
# str, so the addition is string concatenation
Use eval()
to remove the quotes
x = eval(input("please input: "))
# int
Data Output #
Print #
Each print() defaults to a newline
# timerring
# 1
Line Break Control end= #
print(123,end=" ")# also can customize the end content
# 123 456
Combined Output #
PI = 3.1415926
E = 2.71828
print("PI = ", PI, "E = ", E)
Formatting Output #
# one-to-one correspondence
print("PI = {0},E = {1}".format(PI, E))
# PI = 3.1415926,E = 2.71828
print("PI = {0},E = {0}".format(PI, E))
# PI = 3.1415926,E = 3.1415926
# default order
print("PI = {},E = {}".format(PI, E))
# PI = 3.1415926,E = 2.71828
Decorative Output #
Padding Output
print("{0:_^20}".format(PI)) # 0 is the variable PI, : is the modifier output, _ is the modifier character, ^ is centered, 20 is the output width
# ____3.1415926_____ padding
print("{0:*<30}".format(PI)) # < is left-aligned
# 3.1415926*********************
Thousands Separator
# 10,000,000
Simplified Floating Point Output #
- keep 2 decimal places
# 3.14
- Output as a percentage
# 81.9%
- Scientific Notation Output
# 8.19e-01
Integer Base Conversion Output
- Decimal to Binary, Unicode, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal
"Binary {0:b}, Unicode {0:c}, Decimal {0:d}, Octal {0:o}, Hexadecimal {0:x}".format(450)
# Binary 11100010, Unicode \u1b6, Decimal 450, Octal 702, Hexadecimal 1c2
Summary #
Formatting Output:
"character{0:modifier}character{1:modifier}character".format(v0, v1)
Modifier Output: must be strictly in order.
5 Program Format (PEP8 Format) #
Line Maximum Length #
All lines are limited to a maximum of 79 characters
Indentation #
- Use indentation to represent the logical relationship between statements, indentation: 4 characters
Use Spaces #
- Add a space on both sides of the binary operator
- Add spaces around different priority operators
x = x*2 - 1
c = (a+b) * (a-b)
- Use spaces after commas
Avoid Using Spaces #
- Do not add spaces around = when specifying keyword arguments or default parameter values
def fun(n=1, m=2):
print(n, m)
Comments #
Single-line comment
# comment content
Multi-line comment
"""comment content, can be split into multiple lines"""
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