Python Object Oriented Programming
December 23, 2024 · 5 min read · Page View:
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This article will review the object-oriented programming of Python. Mainly about the class, inheritance, and polymorphism.
CH6 Class #
Introduction #
- Everything is an object
- Everything has its own attributes
- Everything has its own methods
Class is the carrier of objects
Each cat is an object, we can abstract the common features of a class of objects, and create a generic class.
# Create a class
class Cat():
"""Simulate a cat"""
def __init__(self, name):
"""Initialize the attributes""" = name
def jump(self):
"""Simulate a cat jumping"""
print( + " is jumping")
my_cat = Cat("Loser")
your_cat = Cat("Lucky")
print( # Loser
print( # Lucky
# Call method
my_cat.jump() # Loser is jumping
your_cat.jump() # Lucky is jumping
Define a class #
Three elements: class name, attributes, methods
Class naming #
- Camel case - the first letter of each word is capitalized
- Leave two blank lines before the “class” and leave two blank lines after the class
Class attributes #
class Car():
"""Simulate a car"""
# def __init__(self, the parameters to be passed)
def __init__(self, brand, model, year):
"""Initialize the attributes of the car"""
self.brand = brand
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.mileage = 0
Class methods #
A function defined inside a class
class Car():
"""Simulate a car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year):
"""Initialize the attributes of the car"""
self.brand = brand
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.mileage = 0
def get_main_information(self): # you cannot omit self
"""Get the main information of the car"""
print("Brand: {} Model: {} Year: {}".format(self.brand, self.model, self.year))
def get_mileage(self):
"""Get the mileage of the car"""
return "Mileage: {} km".format(self.mileage)
Create an instance #
Assign the instance to an object, and pass the corresponding parameters during instantiation.
my_new_car = Car("Audi", "A6", 2018)
Access attributes #
Instance name.attribute name
print(my_new_car.brand) # Audi
print(my_new_car.model) # A6
print(my_new_car.year) # 2018
Call methods #
Instance name.method name(necessary parameters)
my_new_car = Car("Audi", "A6", 2018)
my_new_car.get_main_information() # Brand: Audi Model: A6 Year: 2018
Modify attributes #
Direct modification #
First access, then modify
my_old_car.mileage = 12000
print(my_old_car.mileage) # 12000
Modify attributes through methods #
class Car():
"""Simulate a car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year):
"""Initialize the attributes of the car"""
self.brand = brand
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.mileage = 0
def get_main_information(self): # self cannot be omitted
"""Get the main information of the car"""
print("Brand: {} Model: {} Year: {}".format(self.brand, self.model, self.year))
def set_mileage(self, distance):
"""Set the mileage of the car"""
self.mileage = distance
You can create an infinite number of instances
my_new_car = Car("Audi", "A6", 2018)
my_cars = [my_new_car, my_old_car]
Inheritance of classes #
Inheritance is the process of low-level abstraction inheriting high-level abstraction
Simple inheritance #
Parent class
class Car():
"""Simulate a car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year):
"""Initialize the attributes of the car"""
self.brand = brand
self.model = model
self.year = year
self.mileage = 0
def get_main_information(self): # self cannot be omitted
"""Get the main information of the car"""
print("Brand: {} Model: {} Year: {}".format(self.brand, self.model, self.year))
def get_mileage(self):
"""Get the mileage of the car"""
print("Mileage: {} km".format(self.mileage))
def set_mileage(self, distance):
"""Set the mileage of the car"""
if distance >= 0:
self.mileage = distance
print("Mileage cannot be negative!")
def increment_mileage(self, distance):
"""Accumulate the mileage"""
if distance >= 0:
self.mileage += distance
print("The added mileage cannot be negative!")
class Subclass name (Parent class name):
- Create an electric car class
class ElectricCar(Car):
"""Simulate an electric car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year):
"""Initialize the attributes of the electric car"""
super().__init__(brand, model, year) # Declare the inheritance of the parent class, super is the superclass (parent class)
- Automatically inherit all methods from the parent class
my_electric_car = ElectricCar("NextWeek", "FF91", 2046)
my_electric_car.get_main_information() # Brand: NextWeek Model: FF91 Year: 2046
Add attributes and methods to the subclass #
class ElectricCar(Car):
"""Simulate an electric car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year, bettery_size):# New parameters: bettery_size
"""Initialize the attributes of the electric car"""
super().__init__(brand, model, year) # Declare the inheritance of the parent class
self.bettery_size = bettery_size # Battery capacity
self.electric_quantity = bettery_size # Battery remaining capacity
self.electric2distance_ratio = 5 # Electric quantity distance conversion coefficient 5 km/kW.h
self.remainder_range = self.electric_quantity*self.electric2distance_ratio # Remaining mileage
def get_electric_quantit(self):
"""Get the current battery capacity"""
print("Current battery remaining capacity: {} kW.h".format(self.electric_quantity))
def set_electric_quantity(self, electric_quantity):
"""Set the battery remaining capacity, recalculate the mileage that can be supported"""
if electric_quantity >= 0 and electric_quantity <= self.bettery_size:
self.electric_quantity = electric_quantity
self.remainder_range = self.electric_quantity*self.electric2distance_ratio
print("The battery remaining capacity is not set in a reasonable range!")
def get_remainder_range(self):
"""Get the remaining mileage"""
print("The current battery remaining capacity can continue driving {} km".format(self.remainder_range))
my_electric_car = ElectricCar("NextWeek", "FF91", 2046, 70)
my_electric_car.get_electric_quantit() # Current battery remaining capacity: 70 kW.h
my_electric_car.get_remainder_range() # The current battery remaining capacity can continue driving 350 km
my_electric_car.set_electric_quantity(50) # Reset the battery remaining capacity
my_electric_car.get_electric_quantit() # Current battery remaining capacity: 50 kW.h
my_electric_car.get_remainder_range() # The current battery remaining capacity can continue driving 250 km
Overwrite the parent class method - Polymorphism #
First look for the method in the subclass, if not found, look for the method in the parent class. Therefore, the subclass can overwrite the parent class method.
class ElectricCar(Car):
"""Simulate an electric car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year, bettery_size):
"""Initialize the attributes of the electric car"""
super().__init__(brand, model, year) # Declare the inheritance of the parent class
self.bettery_size = bettery_size # Battery capacity
self.electric_quantity = bettery_size # Battery remaining capacity
self.electric2distance_ratio = 5 # Electric quantity distance conversion coefficient 5 km/kW.h
self.remainder_range = self.electric_quantity*self.electric2distance_ratio # Remaining mileage
def get_main_information(self): # Overwrite the parent class method
"""Get the main information of the car"""
print("Brand: {} Model: {} Year: {} Remaining mileage: {} km"
.format(self.brand, self.model, self.year, self.bettery_size*self.electric2distance_ratio))
my_electric_car = ElectricCar("NextWeek", "FF91", 2046, 70)
my_electric_car.get_main_information() # Brand: NextWeek Model: FF91 Year: 2046 Remaining mileage: 350 km
Using instances in classes #
Abstract the battery as an object.
class Bettery():
"""Simulate the battery of an electric car"""
def __init__(self, bettery_size = 70):
self.bettery_size = bettery_size # Battery capacity
self.electric_quantity = bettery_size # Battery remaining capacity
self.electric2distance_ratio = 5 # Electric quantity distance conversion coefficient 5 km/kW.h
self.remainder_range = self.electric_quantity*self.electric2distance_ratio # Remaining mileage
def get_electric_quantit(self):
"""Get the current battery remaining capacity"""
print("Current battery remaining capacity: {} kW.h".format(self.electric_quantity))
def set_electric_quantity(self, electric_quantity):
"""Set the battery remaining capacity, recalculate the mileage that can be supported"""
if electric_quantity >= 0 and electric_quantity <= self.bettery_size:
self.electric_quantity = electric_quantity
self.remainder_range = self.electric_quantity*self.electric2distance_ratio
print("The battery remaining capacity is not set in a reasonable range!")
def get_remainder_range(self):
"""Get the remaining mileage"""
print("The current battery remaining capacity can continue driving {} km".format(self.remainder_range))
class ElectricCar(Car):
"""Simulate an electric car"""
def __init__(self, brand, model, year, bettery_size):
"""Initialize the attributes of the electric car"""
super().__init__(brand, model, year) # Declare the inheritance of the parent class
self.bettery = Bettery(bettery_size) # Battery
def get_main_information(self): # Overwrite the parent class method
"""Get the main information of the car"""
print("Brand: {} Model: {} Year: {} Remaining mileage: {} km"
.format(self.brand, self.model, self.year,
my_electric_car = ElectricCar("NextWeek", "FF91", 2046, 70)
my_electric_car.get_main_information() # Brand: NextWeek Model: FF91 Year: 2046 Remaining mileage: 350 km
my_electric_car.bettery.get_electric_quantit() # Current battery remaining capacity: 70 kW.h
my_electric_car.bettery.set_electric_quantity(50) # Reset the battery remaining capacity
my_electric_car.bettery.get_electric_quantit() # Current battery remaining capacity: 50 kW.h
my_electric_car.bettery.get_remainder_range() # The current battery remaining capacity can continue driving 250 km
Related readings
- Python Cheatsheet
- Python Function Parameter
- Python Control Structure
- Python Composite Data Type
- Python Basic Data Type
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